Saturday, November 9, 2013

Migration of Blackbirds and Robins

2013, Nov. 9, Sat. First post to this new blog.

This afternoon, an awesome sight. Wave after wave of flocks of blackbirds and robins swept overhead in migratory flight. Some paused in the branches of the cottonwood above me. The air was full of life, the sounds of wing-winds surrounding me, with the squeaky hinges call of the blackbirds (the majority) and chirry-ups of the robins who joined them. I lay back under the tree, immersed in the living world.

ibrixdo: blackbird (Agelaius sp.)

wayinye mangeshuje: American robin ("red-breast bird") (Turdus migratorius)

The blackbirds were in the majority, but the robins were not shy, with both kinds of birds chasing each other and perching together. There is some kind of relationship between the robin and blackbird I do not yet understand. The flocks swept in from the west and southwest. Some would rest for a few minutes in the branches overhead, tilting their heads to look down at me, or resting in the trees beyond the house.

I watched the flocks come in and move onward for a half hour, in the direction of the Nemaha bluffs.

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